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Our achievements
The disaster management and relief ministries are coordinating with other countries and international and regional organizations to accomplish disaster management with greater efficiency and the activities taken in this light. In light of this, the Ministry has performed a number of technical and regional assistance programs and disciplines and treaties with international and regional organizations in disaster management. In the last month of November, 2011, the government has performed a series titled "SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters" with SAARC countries. Under this agreement, SAARC countries will be able to speed up the emergency response to emergency response. As a member of the Governing Board of the SAARC Disaster Management Center (SDMC), Bangladesh is playing an active role in creating various roadmaps in Bangladesh's activities. Earth Observation Satellite for Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia, Digital Vulnerablity in Asia, South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network (SADKN), Seismic Hazard Assessment, Implementation of Roadmap on Landslide Risk Massnation in South Aisa, Implementation of Risk Management on Urban Activities related to Risk Management, Implementation on Roadmap on drought, Risk Managment etc. are being conducted. As an active member of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), he is participating in various research activities. As an active member of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), Bangladesh is joining its meetings. Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction-2011, titled "Revealing Risk, Redifining Development," has been published by UNISDR. Bangladesh's progress report has been reflected in this regard. Bangladesh is participating in the ministerial meeting of the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Reduction (AMCDRR). The United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management on Emergency Response (UNSPIDER) has submitted its report by sending a technical advisory mission to Bangladesh. Satellite technology is being used to plan disaster management in semester. On this topic, an international training has recently been done with the help of China based APSCO in SPARRSO. With the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER) with the ADPC, the government has started increasing the capacity for fire services and civil defense and hospital management to combat earthquake and other disasters. A training and workshop has already been completed in Dhaka and Chittagong for the purpose of preparing disaster preparedness in cooperation with DHL.